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EC CCD Scanner LS8100

Harga: Rp. 520.000

Ergonomic design
Good decoding ability

- Various Interfaces ( PS/ 2, USB & RS-232)

- Support multiple interfaces to allow with only a cable change

- Reliable and....
EC OS7100 Multiline

Harga: Rp. 2.400.000


Combines demands for table mounted and hand held scanning
STAR code bar code reconstruction software

- One button operates the â € ˜ single-lineâ € ™

- The....
EC Laser Scanner LS9610 Autosense

Harga: Rp. 1.050.000

Automatic barcode reader

EC-LS-9610 laser barcode reader is the best handfree ( Automatically ) scanner

Laser Bi-directional
Scan Rate: 100 scans per second Automatic
Scanlogic CS-3080 USB

Harga: Rp. 2.950.000

Scanlogic CS - 3080 omni merupakan scanner barcode dengan kemampuan baca yang sangat luas, Dengan dilengkapi fitur 20 garis sinar laser omni Directional, Cs-3080 mampu membaca....
Scanlogic CS1000 Laser Autosense

Harga: Rp. 1.220.000

* Mampu membaca secara otomatis
* Dengan kabel tunggal dan mudah untuk pemasangan sendiri
* Mudah meng-update program ke Flash ROM
* Desain yang futuristik juga nyaman untuk....
Scanlogic CS800 W/ O Stand

Harga: Rp. 885.000

Barcode scanner CS800 memiliki spesifikasi yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan scanlogic CS1000. Perbedaan yang paling menonjol disini adalah CS800 tidak memiliki stand. Barcode....
Scanlogic CS600 CCD USB

Harga: Rp. 650.000

Scanlogic CS-600 merupakan barcode scanner genggam ( Hand Held) dengan teknologi CCD Middle Range atau lebih dikenal CCD Infra merah jarak menengah mampu membaca barcode dengan....
131NC/ NO

Harga: 820.000,-

Electric Strike Door Lock with Stainless
Power-On to lock n No time-delay function.
Working Voltage : 12V DC, Current : 240mA .
Opening mode: 90 degrees swinging door.

Harga: 890.000,-

Electric Bolt Door Lock with Magnetic
Power-On to lock and Single current.
Working Voltage : 12V DC, Current : 350mA .
Opening mode: 90/ 180 degrees swinging door.

Harga: 850.000,-

Electromagnetic Door Lock with LED Indikator. 800Lbs
Power-On to lock and No residual magnetism
Working Voltage : 12V DC, Current : 500mA .
Opening mode: 90 degrees swinging....

Harga: 590.000,-

Electromagnetic Door Lock, 136KG
Power-On to lock and No residual magnetism
Working Voltage : 12V DC, Current : 500mA .
Opening mode: 90 degrees swinging door.
Suitable for....

Harga: 2.395.000,-

Proximity & Password

RFID reader terminal
Kapasitas : 30.000 RFID, Transaksi : 50, 000
Identifikasi : RFID Card, Password
Komunikasi : RS232/ 485, TCP/ IP, ....

Harga: 2.830.000,-


10.000 Template
10.000 Cards
30.000 Log Transaction
TCP/ IP, RS232/ 485, Wiegand In& Out
Access Control Features with Built in
Relay & Support IP54

Harga: 1.595.000,-

30.000 Cards
50.000 Log Transaction
RS232 ; RS485 ; TCP/ IP ; Wiegand In & Out
Access Control Features with built in Relay
( Antipassback)
Support USB Port & Built in....
MP 1600 / AC-100

Harga: 2.530.000,-

200 FP, 100 RFID, Transaksi : 30, 000 records
RS232 ; RS485 ; USB Comm, Wiegand Out
Built in Proximity, Access control
Exit button, alarm, bell, SOFTWARE ENGLISH

Harga: 2.870.000

Mesin Absensi Sidik Jari/ Fingerprint Bio-Finger AT-620 dengan Teknologi Green CMOS Sensor dan lapisan Membrane Anti Gores, dan dilengkapi fasilitas SMS Gateway melalui modem GSM....

Harga: 2.650.000

Fingerprint Time Attendance.
Kapasitas : 3.000 sidik jari, 100.000 transaksi.
Sensor : Green Crystal Optical + Membrane.
Komunikasi : RS/ 232, TCP/ IP, USB Host/ Flash
Fungsi ....

Harga: 2.350.000

10.000 Template
100.000 Log Transaction
Communication RS232 ; RS485 ; TCP/ IP ; USB Port
TFT LCD Full Colour 3inch


Harga: 5.700.000

Face Time Attendance
Kapasitas : 500 wajah, 150.000 transaksi
Sensor : Dual Camera TM V2.0
Komunikasi : TCP/ IP, USB Host/ Flash
Fungsi : Clock-In/ Out, Break-Out/ In, Auto....
AF-402 / F100

Harga: 5.300.000

Face & Fingerprint Time Attendance & Access Control.
Kapasitas : 700 wajah, 3.000 fingerprint, 100.000 transaksi
Sensor : Green Crystal Optical + Membrane
Komunikasi : Serial....
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